Party: Yung Light & Skive present 0TO100

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Party: Yung Light & Skive present 0TO100

ø CAGE CLUB presents ≥ 0TO100 ≥ (Zero to a Hundred)

ø Hosted by YUNG LIGHT & SKIVE (Kush Electricity) On the Dexx


ø Party Starts @ 23:00

¬ Two of the city's finest representatives of Trappin' & Clubbing
raise the bar by bringing the latest sound of bass music.
With fresh releases of great significance over the last couple of years both Skive and Light have achieved to be considered as pioneers of the new school rap movement.

√ real quick!

Capital Music / Yung Light / KUSH ELECTRICITY

Invited: Nelly Fournaraki, Xenia Gavrielidou, Lily Papa, Chris Rizos, Nikos Sourgkounis, Ioannis Mastoris, Guillaume Iweins, Athanasia Bartzoka-Gaz, Andreas Petrou, Tassos Saint Tsadaris, Deejay Silence, Asterios Seitanhs, Cem Özmen, Petros Aggos, Tobi Ibitoye, Elpida Emfot, Fenia Undici, Rafaela Nikolaidou, Sanja Milovanovic, Christopher Kitsos, Chris Moustaklis show more »
