Despite being an ancient knowledge and dating from the same roots from other martial arts originated...
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Despite being an ancient knowledge and dating from the same roots from other martial arts originated from the east, the Pa-Kua was never exposed in the mainstream media - film, for example - as is the case with Kung Fu, Karate and others. Perhaps it is still a mystery to many people.
Knowledge-based Chinese here known as Bagua - and nothing is more than the actual Pa-Kua - Our practice aims to balance, and self-aligning our wills with our sensory and physical ability to create true warriors.
Through various practices in which knowledge Pa-Kua was divided so that it could be spread around the world as and willingness of students who seek, it is possible to realize capabilities and needs, and workout energy changes we suffer lifelong to improve our physical posture and mental and conquer the fullness of who we are.
But how so? The knowledge and practice of Pa-Kua target the I BETTER TODAY THAN YESTERDAY. This means that we are always comparing ourselves and we are constantly in an evolutionary scale of knowledge and knowing. As we understand better today than we were yesterday, gain self-esteem and encouragement to continue perfecting our own potential.
There are several ways to reach the same goal. Choose the one that suits your personality or that complement and start practicing. Pa-Kua is for everyone. Pa-Kua is for you.