Party: The Sit Down Comedy Club Double Feature with Lindsay Webb & Katrina Davidson

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Party: The Sit Down Comedy Club Double Feature with Lindsay Webb & Katrina Davidson

Brothers Leagues Club Townsville in conjunction with Barking Frog and The Sit Down Comedy Club bring you some of Australia's funniest people!

The Saturday 20th December show stars the hilarious comedians Lindsay Webb & Katrina Davidson!

7:00pm Doors open
7:30pm Dinner
8:00pm Show
Dessert at interval

Tickets: 2 course dinner and show only $35 for members or $40 for non-members.

Seating is limited so get in early to avoid disappointment.

Purchase tickets at our reception desk or call 4773 8000 today!

For more info about the comedians visit

Invited: Mickell Gladness, Fiona Moran, Simon Gable, Renee Fuchs, Briana-Jane Adele Kern, Steve Markovic, Sandra Neal, Steven Gallagher, Jason Lynch, Bree Harris, Nicole Dionysius, Ashleigh White, Geoff Klær, Giancarlo Boccia, Stephen Lane, Chris Buzz Bezzina, Jason Norris, Heather Raymond, Brenden Vines, Mark Wrobel, Mitchell Crow show more »
