Party: Salsa elegantne esmaspäev / Elegant Salsa Mondays

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Salsa elegantne esmaspäev / Elegant Salsa Mondays

Club: Casa de Baile

Upcoming: 2
Date: 11.05.2015 00:00
Address: Pärnu mnt 19, IV korrus, Tallinn, Estonia | show on the map »

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Party: Salsa elegantne esmaspäev / Elegant Salsa Mondays

Radisson Blu Sky Hotelli 1. korruse baar Harry's New-York Bar ootab Sind iganädalasele salsapeole

E, kell 21:00-01:00
* Animatsioonid
* DJ Rain
* Baaris eripakkumised
* Palju tantsu: Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba, Zouk, ChaChaCha...

Pidu on tasuta. Riietus: elegantne

Tule tantsima, siin on parim põrand!

Garderoob on tasuta.
Sisene hotelli peauksest ja vaata vasakule: me juba tantsime!

Ja siin me tantsime ka edaspidi, esmaspäeviti ja elegantselt!


Opening party of a new Salsa venue!

Radisson Blu Sky Hotel's Harry's New-York Bar has a series of Salsa parties coming up for us: you are most welcome!

Mondays from 21:00-01:00
* Animations
* DJ Rain
* Bar specials
* A lot of dance: Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba, Zouk, ChaChaCha...

This party is free. Dresscode: elegant

Come to dance: the floor is the best here!

The coat room is free of charge.
Enter through the hotel's the main door and look left: we are already dancing!

And here is where we will be dancing on Mondays!Nemanja
