Party: ADE: Conkrete Digital Label Night

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Party: ADE: Conkrete Digital Label Night

After last years RAMMED debut night at the ADE we are now back with our second Conkrete Digital label night at ADE 2014 which will take place on thiursday, October 16 at the fab BLINQ club in Amsterdam again!

And we are very happy to you a mega line-up for this including DAVID PENN (ES), AUDIOWHORES (UK), EMORY TOLER (USA - Live PA), SOUL AVENGERZ (UK), PRAY FOR MORE (AUT), SAM SKILZ (LUX), SERGIO FLORES (AT), ROBER GAEZ, ALEX ANDER (POR), ROB BOSKAMP (NL), and more tbc...

Be there, as this will be pure rock & roll, ermmm, House Heaven :-)

Invited: Elliott Matos, Raphaella Brown, Ludovic Buzaglo, Richard Pool, Jeroen Haan, Guillaume Varnier, Cliff Osie, Michael Pentleton, Sandra de Leeuw, Nienke Woods, Didi Lic Ious, Randy Kikken, Linda van Rijsbergen, Peu Peu Peu, Fred Klembrenner, Kevin Van Den Hurk Henke, Jean-Marc Blommendaal, Nicolette Schouten-Roor, Bruno Macedo, Camilo Simões, Alex van der Roest show more »