Party: InDeep'n'Dance !
Main page > Club Tarabostes Official > InDeep'n'Dance !
Upcoming: 2
Date: 20.02.2016 23:00
Address: Strada Armatei nr. 1 ,Complex Comercial Palia, Orastie, Romania | show on the map »
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Pregateste-te !!!
Sambata aceasta de la ora 23:00 te asteptam la un party incendiar !!!
In Deep'n Dance !!!
Special Guest- Dj Moshu (Cluj Napoca)
Show de animatie !!!
Promotii la bar !!!
Intrarea libera pentru Doamne si Domnisoare intre orele 23:00 - 24:00
Pret bilet 15 Ron
(+40) 722 488 123
(+40) 727 042 111