Party: Parti Archarwyr/Tywysoges!Superhero/Princess Party!
Main page > Ffalala > Parti Archarwyr/Tywysoges!Superhero/Princess Party!
Upcoming: 19
Date: 31.08.2016 10:00
Address: , Cardiff, United Kingdom | show on the map »
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Come and join our Super-hero and Princess Party for 0-5yrs! A jam packed morning full of themed party games, super-hero and princess facepainting, masks annd tiara decorating, Ffa-la-la Superhero show, Soft Play and baby play area! Prizes for best dressed! Older siblings welcome!! NO NEED TO BOOK!
10am-12pm, Canton Community Centre
£3 a baby
£5 a child
£2 for brothers and sisters
Dewch i ymuno yn ein parti Archarwyr a Thywysoges ar gyfer plant 0-5oed! Bore llawn dop o gemau parti, paentio wynebau fel archarwyr a thywysogesau, addurno mygydau a tiaras, Sioe Archarwyr Ffa-la-la, 'Soft Play' a cornel chwarae i'r babis. Gwobrau am y gwisgoedd gorau! Croeso i frodyr a chwiorydd hyn ymuno! DIM ANGEN BWCIO!
10yb - 12yp, Neuadd Gymunedol Treganna
£3 y babi
£5 y plentyn
£2 i frodyr a chwiorydd