Party: The Motans presented by Johnnie Walker Black Label

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The Motans presented by Johnnie Walker Black Label

Club: Fratelli Iasi

Upcoming: 0
Date: 22.09.2017 22:00
Address: Str. Palas, 5D, Iasi, Romania | show on the map »

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Party: The Motans presented by Johnnie Walker Black Label

"Mi-ai placut pentru ca erai nice si pentru ca citeai:
Bucowski, Bradbury si Wilde.
Pentru ca nu te-ai speriat.
De un tip ca mine plin de haos si avangard.
Pentru ca mi-ai parut un exemplar de blonda desteapta,
Superdotata, extrastilata.
Pentru ca aveai caracter,
Mi s-a parut ca vezi si tu lumea altfel"

Ladies and gentlemen....

We had some great parties during the summer, as we shared secrets with the Fratelli Summer Club, but now, our house : Fratelli Lounge & Club is calling for a new and stunning season .

As a reminder of the experiences that are now gone, and as a preview for the autumn that lies ahead this Friday, the 22th of September, Johnnie Walker Black Label proudly associated with Fratelli announces the special performance of THE MOTANS.
Get ready and be part of a new chapter of our beautiful story and welcome one of the most recognized pop, hip hop and rock name of the moment. The Motans recorded top hits in Romania such as Versus, August, Weekend, 1000 RPM, which ranked first in all music charts in Romania and Moldova.

We’ll be waiting you for a night full of fun, starting 22:00 p.m., at Fratelli Lounge & Club Iasi!

Fratelli & Johnnie Walker Black Label

For tickets & reservations: / 0756.56.11.11.
Fratelli reserves the right to select its clients, due to the capacity of the locations and the reservation list.

Access 18 +
Never drink & drive
We do not endorse the use of drugs
