Party: MOON - Jokes Please!
Main page > Jokes Please > MOON - Jokes Please!
Upcoming: 6
Date: 28.04.2016 21:00
Address: Little Mountain Gallery - 195 E 26th Ave, Vancouver, Canada | show on the map »
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Humans have been fascinated by the moon all the way until the dawn of TV. But did you know the moon is still up there probably?
Here are some other things you may not know about Earth’s little cousin:
- Humans have landed on the moon and also IN the moon.
- Astronauts were almost called “Moon-Moon Boys”.
- The moon was thought to be made of cheese back when scientists were easily bought by Big Cracker.
- The moon is in mysterious cahoots with the tides and menstrual cycles. Insert Red Tide joke here please.
- The moon also has a moon but it’s a secret because of conspiracies.
Hosts: Andy Kallstrom and Ross Dauk
Ben McGinnis
Sophie Buddle
Ryan Gunther
Mike Greenwood
Gavin Clarkson
Alex Biron
Show: 9pm
Also, Cosmonauts were almost called "Swoon-Swoon Boys" as propagahda bacuse they saw it as the Space FACE Race.