Party: If walls could talk - pictures by Kenneth Proitz

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If walls could talk - pictures by Kenneth Proitz

Club: Mein Haus am See

Upcoming: 123
Date: 05.10.2016 20:00
Address: Brunnenstr. 197/198 - Ecke Torstr. 125, Berlin, Germany | show on the map »

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Party: If walls could talk - pictures by Kenneth Proitz

Kenneth Proitz is a Norwegian photographer living in Berlin. His body of work captures some of Berlin's best kept secrets. This consists primarily of undiscovered and abandoned places left unpreserved, and largely unnoticed.

It's 27 years since the fall of the wall that divided Berlin in two for almost 3 decades, but there are so many walls in Berlin with a rich and sometimes terrifying narrative to tell and this exhibition will allow you a rare insight into these events and history.

The exhibition, If Walls Could Talk is a learning experience about the secrets of some of the many forgotten walls in Berlin's undiscovered and abandoned spaces. It takes you on a historical and beautiful journey through time, and it invites you to explore many unique stories through the various patterns, layers, construction, and destruction being presented in the photographer's work.

The pictures are all accompanied by text which provides a relevant perspective for each wall. This includes some of the story that it tells, the notable people who have interacted with these walls at different times throughout history and any information that is of interest to the photographer, which allows him to present the content he finds to be of most importance.

Mr Proitz, however, believes the best part of the exhibition is allowing the viewer to conjure up their own stories and use their pre-existing knowledge of history to place these walls at points they might have been involved in, and most of all allows the viewer to use their imagination and decide what amazing and terrible things may have occurred at these locations
