Party: Grading Class
Main page > Pole Athletes > Grading Class
Upcoming: 3
Date: 05.08.2017 11:00
Address: Unit 58 Storforth Lane Trading Estate, Chesterfield, United Kingdom | show on the map »
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Our brand new monthly Grading Class has been launched.
Don't know what level you're working at? What moves you might've missed or what's coming up next? Then this is perfect for you. Join us for a 1hr Grading Class where we will take you through a selection of moves from our syllabus.
After a thorough warmup students will be given the oppourtunity to try moves from each level assessed by the instructor. After successfully demonstrating 10 moves, students will be issued with a certificate of completion for that level. This class will focus mainly on Level 1 & 2, however if you'd like to be assessed on a higher level this day, please get in touch directly.
Just £6.50
Customers can register for this session at: