Party: New Year's Eve at Room17 - The Great Gatsby Theme Party

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Party: New Year's Eve at Room17 - The Great Gatsby Theme Party

On New Year's Eve we wear our swinging twentys costumes and celebrate with a Great Gatsby Theme Party! Champagne will be flowing!
Guest DJ Harry Borg.

Doors open at 00:30

Free entrance.

For reservations please call on +35799895310.

Invited: Christina Hadjichristofi, Artemis Rossides, Chrystalo Apostolidou, Alex Cle, Maria Papadopoulou, Isabella Tymviou, Dinos Pashi, Avgi GiGi Solomonidou, Francesca Avgousti, Andronicos Lefkaritis, Artemios Mallas, Demetra Yerolemou, Kalia Eleftheriou, Louisa Michaelidou, Christina Anastasiou, Demetris Kyprianou, Ellen Andreou, Konstantinos J Joakim, Andy Panayiotou A, Anna Dimitriou, Haris Christodoulou show more »
