Party: Fight Cancer with Your Fork! An educational seminar by Susan Silberstein, Ph.D.

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Fight Cancer with Your Fork!  An educational seminar by Susan Silberstein, Ph.D.

Club: Wilmington Elks Lodge #307 (Del.)

Upcoming: 11
Date: 28.04.2015 18:30
Address: 1307 Caruthers Ln, Wilmington, United States | show on the map »

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Party: Fight Cancer with Your Fork! An educational seminar by Susan Silberstein, Ph.D.

Learn the latest on diet and cancer prevention
Learn what the science says about diet and cancer survival
Learn over a dozen advantages of using nutrition in a cancer treatment program
Learn the best foods and beverages for fighting cancer
Learn how to create an inner environment unfriendly to cancer

Invited: Julie Rassias, Michael Zufelt, Debra Berke, Kim Stetson Kidwell, Elaina Leshock, Jennifer Lerner Lowrey, Lisa Matheos Levin, Candy Geise, Barbara Britton DeHaven, Sarah Green, Ryan Quinn Brown, Danny Coldren, Jill Voorhees, Joan Gorman Sturdevant, Wendy Stone Tricarico, Roseanne Papa Prado, Ashley Nicole Powell, Marian McHugh Fischer, Paul Dorsey, Deborah Curry Savage, Donna Truszkowski show more »