Party: MEGA DЭNS 90-s - Classics EuroDance - October SpeciaL!

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Party: MEGA DЭNS 90-s - Classics EuroDance - October SpeciaL!

Sellel reedel on kuumim 90-ndate pidu klubis 777-The Bank Club!

Pühandame õhtu parimatele hittidele ja läheme ajas tagasi!

Ustame kõik ja sukeldume retromaailma koos 777-The Bank Club´iga!

Tantsuplatsil annavad kuuma: DJ Deniss Karabljoff & Dj ValentineBlack (back to back dj set)

Laval kaunid go-go tantsijad GQ Dance Studiost!

Naistele TASUTA sissepääs kuni 00.00!

20+ / Pilet 8€


Friday, October 19 - MEGA DЭNS 90-s@777 The Bank

- Classics EuroDance - October SpeciaL!

To admirers dashing the 90th it is devoted …

We do not forget to invite the new and old friends

Will heat passions on a dancing residents: DJ Deniss Karabljoff & Dj ValentineBlack (back to back dj set)

- qualitative eurodance sets - sincere atmosphere - retro registration - GO-GO GQ Dance Studio

To girls till 00:00 entrance free

20+ / Pilet 8€
