Party: Electro Shaabi ft. Sadat / Islam Chipsy
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We’re doing it Sha3bi style for this week’s edition of Saturday L’Oriental! Islam Chipsy and Sadat will play a music genre that we all know and love by now: Electro Sha3bi. Created not so long ago and nothing short of homegrown right here in Cairo, the heavily electronic musical style called Mahraganat is characterized by keyboards (in Chipsy’s case wild hands flying along the keyboard) mixed with more traditional “sha3bi” pop music.
House Rules:
-Reservations are necessary.
-Reservations are held until 9:30pm.
-Couples or mixed groups.
-Minimum entry age 25.
-Violent behavior will not be tolerated.
-Illegal substances are not permitted.
-Door selection applies.
-Doors close at full capacity.