Party: No. 266 - JAMES FLAVOUR (Dirt Crew/Suol), SAYAN SOBUTH - Friday Feb. 6th Club Bellevue
Main page > Club Bellevue > No. 266 - JAMES FLAVOUR (Dirt Crew/Suol), SAYAN SOBUTH - Friday Feb. 6th Club Bellevue
Upcoming: 37
Date: 06.02.2015 23:00
Address: Rämistrasse 6, Zürich, Switzerland | show on the map »
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James Flavour ist sesshaft in Berlin und Kanada, Mitgründer der DIRT CREW und spielt in Clubs wie zum Beispiel dem Output in Brooklyn, dem DC10 in Ibiza oder der Panorama Bar.
Am Freitag 6. Februar 2015 führt er musikalisch durch den Abend zusammen mit unserem Buddy Sayan Sobuth (official), der schon am Opening des Club Bellevue seine Platten drehte!
=> No. 266, JAMES FLAVOUR (Dirt Crew, SUOL/Berlin), SAYAN SOBUTH, Freitag 6. Februar 2015, 11pm - open end!
Club Bellevue
Freieckgasse 9
8001 Zürich
[email protected]
+++James Flavour (Vancouver/ Berlin)+++
James Flavour is no newbie to the business.
He has released music on labels like Crosstown Rebels, Suol, Freerange, Soma, 2020 Vision, Highgrade, Moodmusic, Gomma.
As part of the European house music scene for nearly 20 years, he co-founded Dirt Crew Recordings and was a member of Dirt Crew.
Looking for a fresh start, he has now relocated to Vancouver and is focussing on James Flavour, new releases and working with other artists.
His latest summer gigs include Output/New York, Do not sit on the furniture/Miami, Weekend/Berlin, DC10/Ibiza and one of the biggest festivals in Canada "Shambhala Music Festival".
James Flavour + ESB's new release on Suol for the "Summer Daze compilation" has caught the attention of Chopstick + Johnjon, Daniel Bortz, Till von Sein, Ewan Pearson, Manik, Huxley, Catz n' Dogz just to name a few.
Keep your eyes peeled for more solo releases as James Flavour.