Party: Hammiest Ham Raffles
Main page > Forbes Services Memorial Club > Hammiest Ham Raffles
Upcoming: 3
Date: 20.12.2014 16:00
Address: 41 Templar Street, Forbes, Australia | show on the map »
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It's FINAL HAM RAFFLE for 2014 and we have 100 of the Hammiest Hams to be won!
Ticket Sales from 4pm!
Draw 1 of 25 hams @ 5pm
Draw 2 of 25 hams @ 6pm
Draw 3 of 25 hams @ 7pm
Draw 4 of 25 hams @ 8pm
Buy tickets before 5pm & tickets carry over into all 4 draws.
Buy tickets between 5pm & 6pm tickets carry over to draws 2, 3 and 4.
Buy tickets between 6pm & 7pm go into carry over to draws 3 and 4.
Buy tickets after 7pm places patrons in draw 4 only.
Final ticket sales close at 8pm so patrons can continue buying tickets into each draw.
Don't miss out on your chance to WIN a ham just in time for Christmas :)
Invited: Carmen O'connor, Joyce Gray, Jennalea Gunn, Rebecca Saleh