Party: March madness Pop-A-Shot Tournament at Sage County

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March madness Pop-A-Shot Tournament at Sage County

Club: Sage County

Upcoming: 34
Date: 12.03.2016 14:00
Address: 2416 Brazos St, Houston, United States | show on the map »

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Party: March madness Pop-A-Shot Tournament at Sage County

---GOT SKILLS????---

ATTN: All the Steph Curry's, Lebron James', and Midtown's Pop-A-Shot finest. Sage County is hosting the 1st Annual Pop-A-Shot Tournament. This is YOUR chance to prove that your the best Pop-A-Shot player in MIdtown. Tournament is March 12th starting at 2 p.m. and ENTRY IS FREE.

Bring your A-Game to Sage County as we kick off March Madness with a little competition.