Party: NYMRA & SOFISTICATED (High Heels Prohibited)

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Party: NYMRA & SOFISTICATED (High Heels Prohibited)

Guestlist réduite 10$ avant minuit trente, indiquez attending / Reduced 10$ guestlist before 12h30, please attend to the event.
Pour gueslist multiple écrivez à / for multiple guestlist write to :
[email protected]



Invited: Janis Bukowski, Camille Rayes, Amara Gelinas Fish, Pavel Gorin, Kirsten Forbes, Laura Scavo, Marie-Aude Boislard, Fi Dji, TJ Train, Julien L. Linguini, Annie Lafrance, Maud Fortin, Mazi Nom, Nicolas Duranceau, Marc Béland, Stephan Beauregard, Le Royal Marinelli, Rennie Jordan, Alx Croto, Stephanie Bouchard, Bashar Al Khaja show more »